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Weed and Dogs: What to Do If Your Dog Eats Your Weed

If you partake in the sticky icky and have a dog, you have probably wondered what would happen if man’s best friend ate your weed. While secondhand weed smoke is bad for dogs, it can be a bit more serious when your pet outright eats your weed or your cannabis-infused edibles. Speaking from experience, this can be a traumatic experience for both you and your pet.
The first (and only) time this happened to our dog Max -- a very good Shar-Pei/Pitbull boy -- we were terrified. We came home to Max glassy-eyed, drooling non-stop (it was like a mouth faucet), and unable to stand or walk without stumbling. Like good pet parents, we scooped him up and took him to the vet who began asking us questions.
- Did he get into the trash? Not that we knew of.
- Did he get into cleaning supplies? None that we saw.
- Is there any way he could have ingested marijuana? Well…
This question about cannabis made my husband and I give each other “the glance.” You know “the glance” -- it’s that look that passes between people that communicates volumes without uttering a single sound. We knew at that moment that we were dealing with a dog who had partaken in a doobie snack.
As mentioned above, Max is a good boy -- there was no way he would ever eat a bag of weed. However, after we got him home from the vet giving his tummy a charcoal rinse, we discovered that Max had consumed an outdoor ashtray. This wasn’t just any ashtray. This was the whole-summer-roaches-and-bowl-tapouts ashtray with some chewed bubble gum added to make it extra tempting for pooches.
Max’s first experience with weed was one that we will never forget. And we are not alone -- in 2019, the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center saw a 765% rise in animal marijuana ingestion calls over the previous year. With the legalization of marijuana in many states, more household pets are being tempted to eat our tasty THC edibles -- or ashtray snacks, in Max’s case.
Enough about my dog. Let’s switch gears and focus on yours and what you should do if you suspect your pup has been getting high on your supply.
Can a Dog Get High?
Yes. One of the most common ways for your dog or pet to “get high” is when they eat your cannabis products that are lying around the house. Your dog can get high from eating a roach or a joint, and your dog can get high from eating edibles, so be sure to put your weed away into an airtight container once you’re finished.
Signs That Your Dog Ate Weed
How do I know if my dog ate weed? You most likely won’t actually see your dog consume cannabis, so it is imperative to know what you are looking for when it comes to accidental cannabis ingestion in animals. Be on the lookout for:
- Loss of balance -- if your dog or puppy ate weed, they may start stumbling, falling, swaying, or lose their ability to stand.
- Disorientation -- this often comes with eyes with dilated pupils that are unable to focus and are blinking more than usual.
- Movement and sound sensitivity -- even the smallest thing can spook a stoned pet.
- Hyperactivity and restlessness -- when a dog eats weed, it may have the inability to get comfy.
- Increased vocalization -- including barking, panting, howling, whining, and any unusual sounds.
- Drooling -- this can range from just a little bit to a very large, seemingly non-stop amount.
- Urinary incontinence -- uncontrollable urination.
- Shaking -- or muscle tremors.
- Seizures or coma -- in extremely rare cases.
Respond Quickly
When a dog eats weed in excess, it can start to show symptoms rather quickly. If you observe symptoms that seem to be severe, you should definitely call your vet and ask for their advice on how to proceed. They will want to know what your pet ate -- whether it was candy, flower, or roaches -- the estimated amount consumed, and the symptoms you are seeing.
Whether you have cannabis in your home legally or illegally, it is imperative to tell your vet the truth. They are not going to call the police or report you for animal cruelty. They only want to treat your fur baby for what is causing them distress.
Treatment Options
In many cases of accidental animal consumption of marijuana, your vet will tell you to just keep an eye on your dog to make sure the symptoms you are seeing fade away after some time. Some people will advise you to use hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting at home, but I wouldn’t recommend that unless your vet specifically recommends this course of treatment. Encouraging your dog to eat or drink something should help the symptoms pass quickly and without lasting consequences.
Also, keep in mind that some edibles can hurt your dog. Dog owners know that chocolate is dangerous for pups, so a chocolate edible or brownie can be equally harmful. In any case, be sure to contact your vet right away with details.
The best way to deal with accidental marijuana consumption by your dog is to ensure that it doesn’t happen. Get yourself a nice stash box to keep your goodies in, or make sure you put your ashtrays up high where your dog can’t get them. You can always ask our staff at our dispensary near Roselle, IL, for cannabis storage products and other recommendations on how to keep your canna-goodies out of reach.
If you are dealing with a dog that is currently stoned and experiencing severe symptoms, stop reading this and call your vet. If your dog ate a little weed on accident and has mild symptoms, wrap him in a cozy blanket, give him a Scooby snack, and try not to jostle him. Chances are he will be just fine tomorrow morning, but it may take a couple of days for him to start feeling like himself again.
Has your pooch ever gotten into your stash? What did you do? Hit me up on social media and let’s spark up a conversation about it.
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